Friday, February 27, 2009

World Maths Day

Dear beloved children,

Please do access .

Please paste your slip of paper with your password in your notebook and do not lose it.


Next, with regards to food donations, please bring them on Monday. Wear PE attire and your performance items along.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Hi Kevan,

Your account has been created. Please use your IC number to login. School ID: ESPS Password: learning

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Homework (27 February 2009)

Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your homework. Please do with care.

1. Composition- Write the 5 introduction based on the picture composition.

2. Continual Assessment 1 Maths worksheet

3. E-learning assignments

4. Obtain parent's signature for Science file.

5. Revise for your DEs.

6. Take a look at Fractions.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang


Dear children,

Look at the above picture. Do notice that the shadow is on the opposite side of the Sun.

Where do you think it is cooler to sit in?

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Foolish Act

Dear children,

I placed the shoutout at the class blog is for all of us to enjoy. Please do not misuse it. If you need to say anything, just use your own real name. Please do not do such a foolish act.

I will ban you from the shoutout if anyone misuses it. Wrong actions will lead to consequences. Think before you act.


Mrs Yang

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

NSW consent forms

Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your Science worksheet and bring it back home tomorrow.

Also remember to fill up the NSW consent form. You have to seal the money in the envelope and pass it to me tomorrow.

The cost per subject is $8.60. I strongly encourage all of you to take part in all 3 subjects.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Dear beloved children,

Please complete your Science worksheet and use your free time to revise for your upcoming DEs.

Please read English Unit 9 and Maths - Fractions. I will be starting on them soon.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Lab lesson

Dear beloved children,

Do have fun at the following websites!

1. (Light energy - FUN!)

2. ( Find out how to make the shadow bigger)



5. (Quiz)



8. (Quiz)

9. (Quiz)


If you have completed all the above, do access and complete the latest assignments on Science, thereafter do visit the Science activities and videos .

If you are unable to visit all the websites, please visit them at home.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig

Dear beloved children,

I hope all of you enjoyed the story "The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig'.
Its a happy ending in this story. The three wolves and the pig lived happily under one roof!
Hence children, there are many wonderful and interesting books out there waiting for you to read! There are many treasures in the library. Therefore do read.
Maybe you would like to post comment about the book!
Thank you.
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dear beloved pupils,

Please use the time wisely to revise for your upcoming DEs.
Maths: Multiplication, division and graphs
Sciece: Light energy

Please access

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Friday, February 20, 2009

IPP Toilet

Dear beloved children,

I am proud to inform all of you that our class is the winner for the building of an IPP toilet within the class. All thanks to the 5 boys namely Nathanael, Ryan, Jia Rui, Zi Wen and Adriel for constructing the toilet!

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Reading newspapers daily

Dear beloved children,

Please do try to read newspapers daily. All you have to do is to read 2-3 articles per day. Do start off with The New Paper which is simpler and easier to read.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Homework (20 February 2009)

Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your Maths Review 2 worksheets.

Do bring along your vacab book on Monday. There should be 5 words together with its meaning in the book.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blogging Enrichment

Dear beloved children,

The following pupils have yet to tyoe in their comments on how they would show aprreciation to their parents, friends and teachers.

1) Cheryl
2) Felicia
3) Wei Xuan
4) Yao Hui
5) Kenny
6) Hongwei
7) Darius
8) Aidil

Please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear beloved children,

Please complete Maths WB pg 64- 68.

Obtain parent's signature for your Maths and English files.

Please bring back your files tomorrow.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, February 16, 2009


Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your English essay. it is due on Friday, 20 February 2009.

You have to change the ending of the story, 'The 3 little pigs'.

Complete Maths TB pg 77 - 84.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear children,

For those who have yet to submit their English, Maths and Science files, please bring to school tomorrow. We will be doing filing this week.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Homework 16 February 2009

Dear beloved children,

Remember to complete Pg 59 - 63 of your Maths WB.

Do read through your Science TB on Energy and pen down some questions that you like to know more about it.

Please do read through Maths TB on Tables and Graphs.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Spring Quest time

Dear beloved children,

Below are the photos of you in action at the Spring Trail.

Enjoy the photos!

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

DEs & miscellaneous stuff

Dear beloved children,

Please revise your work and get ready for DE2.

1. Maths - You will be tested on multiplication, division and tables and graphs.

2. Science - Energy

Miscellaneous stuff:

For those who have yet to hand in your DE1s, English supplementary worksheets, TDD consent forms and E-learning consent forms, please do so by tomorrow.

Please remember to complete your homework!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Friday, February 13, 2009

Blogging enrichment

Dear precious children,

I have already published the comments.

Please click on the link below.

If you do not see your name, that means you have not typed in your comment. Please do so as soon as possible.

After you have typed the comment, you will not be able to see it immediately as I need to take a look at your comment before I publish it for all to see. Hence please be patient.

Thank you for your understanding and c0-operation.

Mrs Yang

E-learning portal form

Dear beloved children,

These are the following pupils who have yet to submit the e-learning portal form:

-Zi Wen

Please fill up the form and submit it to me on Monday.

Also remember to fill up the Total Defence form and submit it to me on Monday.

Thank you.

Have a marvellous weekend! :)

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Youth Tryathlon 2009

Dear beloved kids,

You may like to post comments with regards to the Youth Tryathlon which is going to be on 7 March 2009 at Sentosa.

Hope to see your comments.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Homework (13 February 2009)

Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your homework.

1. English Journal (Topic: If I had a million dollars)

2. Science: Read on the topic: Energy

3. Science worksheet

4. Look for the meaning of the words in your vocab book.

5. Go to and take a look at the videos on Energy.

Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Yang

SA2 Science Paper

Dear beloved children and parents,

Do take note that Cycles, Energy and System will be tested for Science SA1.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Total Defence Day

Dear beloved children,

We will commemorate Total Defence Day on 16 Feb (Monday).

All P3s and P4s will be required to set up improvised toilets in the classrooms as their classroom activity.

Trash bags and masking tapes will be provided.

There will be judging for the improvised toilets. Do think of how to set up a improvised toilet. Hopefully we can win a prize and bring glory to the class.

Yeah! Class 4A rules!!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Blogging enrichment

Dear beloved children,

These following pupils have yet to post their comments on how they can show their appreciation to their parents, teachers and friends:

1) Cheryl
2) Felicia
3) Wei Xuan
4) Janice
5) Kenny
6) Hongwei
7) Darius
8) Aidil
9) Hee Jet
10) Yao Hui
11) Derek

Please post your comments as soon as possible. Please remember to type your name! :)

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homework 12 February 2009

Dear beloved children,

Homework :
1. English homework
2. Complete corrections in English Supplementary worksheets.
3. Obtain parent's signature for English, Maths and Science DEs.
4. Fill up the e-learning form and Total Defence Form.

Please access Password has been given to you.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

House Practice

Dear beloved children,

House Practice will start next week (Week 7) on Monday, 16 February 09 for Blue and Green House, and on Tuesday, 17 February 09 for Yellow and Red House.

The time is from 4.00 - 5.30 p.m.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

World Maths Day Account

Dear beloved children,

Please do not create your own account for World Maths Day.

Its all done for you.

I will pass it to you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear beloved children,

Do visit the below link.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Lab Period (11 February 2009)

Dear beloved children,

These are the following things that you should do for this 2 periods of computer period.

1. Click on

Type your answer in the comment box. Choose Name/URL. Then type in your name.

2. Access to

Click on P4 Mathematics.

Complete the mini quizzes & activites under Whole Numbers.

Click on P4 Science.

Complete the activites & quiz under Matter.

3. Complete all your online assignments at

4. Access

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Monday, February 9, 2009

Blogging enrichment

Dear beloved pupils,

All of you have to post your answer on the following topic below.

How can you show your love and appreciation for your parents, siblings, teachers, friends, etc?

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

The blogging guidelines:

Ø Each pupil is to indicate their full name at the end of every post.
Ø Teachers to monitor that everyone has posted at least an entry. Pupils can post more than one entry.
Ø Teachers to check the class blog to ensure that there is no undesirable comment or bad language.
Ø Blogging committee will look at the various class blogs once the blogging week is over and 3 winners will be selected from each level.
Ø Entries will be judged based on content and language.
Ø All postings to be done by Term 1 Week 10, 2009

New friend - Kevan

Dear beloved children,

We have a new addition to our class. His name is Kevan. Do make him feel as welcome as possible.

Thank you, children.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Fun science

Dear beloved children,

I hope you do have fun carrying out those experiments in the Science Exploria room. All of you were so excited at the experiements that we would be doing.

Pictures speak a thousand words. Let's enjoy the photos. Look at those happy moments during our Science lab periods.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Adding coloured water into the cornstarch slowly to form Gooblek.

Having a feel at the Gooblek for those unsuccessful pupils.

How to make Gooblek: Add water slowly to cornstarch.

Nathanel's group succeeded in making Gooblek.

Ryan was adding food colouring to get red coloured water.

Pouring in the detergent

We are trying to make water lapis!

Successful water lapis!

Making a gas!

Our balloon was inflated after adding bicarbonate soda to vinegar!