Monday, February 9, 2009

Fun science

Dear beloved children,

I hope you do have fun carrying out those experiments in the Science Exploria room. All of you were so excited at the experiements that we would be doing.

Pictures speak a thousand words. Let's enjoy the photos. Look at those happy moments during our Science lab periods.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Adding coloured water into the cornstarch slowly to form Gooblek.

Having a feel at the Gooblek for those unsuccessful pupils.

How to make Gooblek: Add water slowly to cornstarch.

Nathanel's group succeeded in making Gooblek.

Ryan was adding food colouring to get red coloured water.

Pouring in the detergent

We are trying to make water lapis!

Successful water lapis!

Making a gas!

Our balloon was inflated after adding bicarbonate soda to vinegar!

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