Monday, February 9, 2009

Blogging enrichment

Dear beloved pupils,

All of you have to post your answer on the following topic below.

How can you show your love and appreciation for your parents, siblings, teachers, friends, etc?

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

The blogging guidelines:

Ø Each pupil is to indicate their full name at the end of every post.
Ø Teachers to monitor that everyone has posted at least an entry. Pupils can post more than one entry.
Ø Teachers to check the class blog to ensure that there is no undesirable comment or bad language.
Ø Blogging committee will look at the various class blogs once the blogging week is over and 3 winners will be selected from each level.
Ø Entries will be judged based on content and language.
Ø All postings to be done by Term 1 Week 10, 2009


  1. by behaving good at all times

  2. Give kindness to people ang respect to people

    Ng Wei Qiang

  3. I show my appreciation especially to my parents.they are good to me and my siblings.I appreciate their things they gave us and promise them to get good resuts for them.I show them love by hugging them.For my siblings and friends,I try to appreciate their things they shown me.Name:Loo Yuan Li

  4. I can show love and appreciation by:

    Doing my best to show my love and appreciation to my parents.

    I will make sure that the school pupils will be safe to show that I care.

    I will help my teachers to carry things that is too heavy for them.

  5. I will show my love and appreciation for my parents by doing housework for them and scoring good marks for SA1

  6. i will show my appreciation and love to my parents,etc. by scoring good marks and dont make them angry

  7. give them a simple card made by me for every festival and birthday

  8. parents,help them with whatever you can and tell how much you appreciate them

  9. I can help my parent to do all the household chores and give my sibling some hand made cardto them.I will help my teacher to carry books.For my friend,I will help in their work.

    From:Lau Jia Hao

  10. Mrs Yang,today I am going to tell you how I can show my love and appreciaton to my parents,teachers,siblings and friends.To show my love and appreciation to my parents,I would help them to do the household chores,study hard to show them what i can achieve,take care of them when they are old and obey them.To show my love and appreciation to my two elder sisters,I will listen to them and study hard.To show my love and appreciation to my teacher,I will study hard to show them what i can achieve,pay attention in class,be gracious,do not make them angry and hand in my homework on time.To show my love and appreciation to my friends,I will be kind to them,help them when they need help and not to be selfish to them.
    Yvonne Ng Yong Ling

  11. i show my love and appreciation to my gandmother by going to her room at night to masseageing her on the back . and sometimes i will help her sweep the foor for her from:adriel

  12. I show appreciation especially to my parents.they give my siblings and i many things no matter it is their favourite.I appreciate the things they gave me no matter it is not my favourite.I show show love by hugging them and I promise them to get good grades for examsI try to appreciate my friends and siblings things.I apprecate any teacher teaching me.

  13. Parents:I will thank them for taking good care of me and I will help to do some housework for them.

    Siblings:I will thank them for teaching my homework and I will help them with their work if they need help.

    Teachers:I will thank them for teaching me and I will help them carry the books if they need any help.

    Friends:I will thank them for encouraging me when I am sad and I will encourage them if they are sad.

  14. PARENTS:I thank them for taking care of me,I will be fillal to them.

    SIBLINGS:I thank my brother for teaching me my homework,if my brother need my help, I will help him.

    TEACHERS:I thank them for teaching me so well in the past few years and this year,I will never forget them.

    FRIENDS:I thank them for treating me so well,but don't worry,I will treat them well too.

  15. I will show my love and appreciation to my parents,siblings,friends and teachers by doing.....

    1) Scoring full marks to make them happy.
    2) Help my parents to do the housework.
    3) Spent a little time with my family.

  16. I will show my love and respect to my parents and siblings.I will also help them with housework and the other things they do.They scold me so that I will learn.I will also try not to quarrel with my siblings so often.I will help my friends with maths,english and science problems that they are not familiar with.I will help my teacher by carrying her books,papers and stationary.I will show my love for everybody i know.

  17. I will show love and appreciation to my parent by scoring full marks to make them happyand not letting them worry for me..... i will also help them do household chorus,thank them for the things they have done.

  18. I can show my love and appreciation to my parents by helping them with the chores.I always help my parents to sweep the floor and hang dry the clothes. I will try to not quarrel with my sibblings and friends.I will help my friends in their weak subjects.

    Radin Yasira Hannan bte Muhd Yazid

  19. I can show my friends /parents/teacher how i love them by proving the best i can do. I want to prove that what I do is not like a piece of blank paper and prove that the winners who call people losers prove that they are wrong and I want to study hard for both SA1 and SA2 so that I won"t disapoint my parents or my friends or else I would be called a crybaby or a loser so I want to prove to the show off that I am not a loser!

  20. I show my love to my parents by studing hard
    and geting good marks for my exam.I can also show my love by helping them to do some of the housework and not to irretate them .
    I can show my appreciation when I did something wrong and my parents scold me.
    Because they are caring for me and don't shout at them .
    I still can show my appreciation , because they help me to do alot of housework .
    I love them very much !

  21. I can show my love by studying hard and get good results. I can also show love to them by being obedient. If I did something wrong, I will not shout or scream when they scold me because it is for our own good, so I will admit my mistake.

  22. I can show love by:

    I can show love to my parents by not fighting with my brother and not making them angry.

    (teachers) I will respect them and do my homework.

    (friends): i thank them for cheer me up when i am sad and help me when i am in need

  23. I can show love and appreciation by :
    Doing my best to show my love to my parents.

    i will make sure the pupils in the class obey the teacher.

    i will help teachers to carry things that are to many or to heavy.

  24. I can show love by:

    I can help my parents to do chores at home and try not to make them angry.

    I can help my siblings by helping them when they are in need like lending them a pencil
    when they do not have one.

    I can try not to make my teachers irritated and try not to make any careless mistake in work.

    I can respect my friends decision and try not to quarrel with them.

  25. I will show it by studying hard and making a card for them with my heart and appreciation.I will also make or buy a present for them.I will place the card and the present on their table.So when they walk past they can saw it.

  26. I love my parents ,they feed me up and take care of sibling also take care of teacher is mrs yang.she is a person who teach friend also teach me the question which i do not know.

  27. I can show that I love my parents,siblings and my friends.I will not waste my parents money.And when my DE marks get lower then my friends they will call us loser but we do not care.We must show them that what they say was wrong.I love them because when we are sad they will cheer me up.Love is not only caring and sharing just like our parentslove we all they love us a lot but not just caring and sharing.

  28. My elder brother and sister were good to me when I was young,now my sister is the only one who is bad to me.She often yell at me for no reason at all or maby she is just mad and yell at me.I don't really understand why but I will forgive her whatever it is.I will try to be calm and get over with it,and I will try to show both of my siblings that I really love them.

  29. Help parents to do housework

    Take care of siblings

    Do not make so much noise in front of teacher

  30. I show my love and appreciation for my parents by helping them and getting good result

  31. i can show my love to my parents and slibing by 1)study hard and achieve good marks 2) i will take care of my sibling 3)I WILL SPENT TIME TO SHOW THAT I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH

  32. I show my appreciation and love by saying "I love you". Sometimes, I will make a special card for them. In the card, I will write "I love you", "I miss you", "Happy Birthday", "Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year" and many more.
    I will hug my Mummy and Daddy and kiss them. They love my hugs and kisses.
    On Father's Day, I will give him a card. On Mother's Day, I will make flowers for my Mummy.
    During school exams, I will work very hard to get good results. My parents will be very happy. I know my Daddy and Mummy love me very much and I love them too. Name: Cheryl Chai Jia Ying

  33. wong jia rui said...

    i can show my love for my parents , etc. by helping them with housework & scoring good marks for exam plus trying to represent the school by taking competition.
    February 13, 2009 5:08 AM

  34. Ng Wei Qiang said...

    Give respect and kindness to people
    February 13, 2009 12:57 AM

  35. I show my appreciation and love by saying "I love you". Sometimes, I will make a special card for them. In the card, I will write "I love you", "I miss you", "Happy Birthday", "Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year" and many more.
    I will hug my Mummy and Daddy and kiss them. They love my hugs and kisses.
    On Father's Day, I will give him a card. On Mother's Day, I will make flowers for my Mummy.
    During school exams, I will work very hard to get good results. My parents will be very happy. I know my Daddy and Mummy love me very much and I love them too. Name: Cheryl Chai Jia Ying

  36. Every sensible human being in this world has a sense of love and appreciation.Same goes to me.There are many ways in showing our love and appreciation to our beloved ones like our family,teachers and friends.As for me,I show my love and appreciation to my family by being a caring and an obediant child.As an oldest son in my family,I will make sure I take care my siblings.Whenever my parents are not around,I will share my food with my younger brother and sister.To show my love and appreciation,I will make sure that I respect and listen to their advice and try not to do things that will make them disapointed.To show my love and appreciation to my teachers,I will also listen to their instructions and respect them.As for my friends,I show any love and appreciation to them by sharing knowledge and study together.To me,it is wise to have many friends regardless of their race and religion.I really love my family,teachers and friends very much,because without them,I will be a lonely person in this world.

  37. Kenny Ang Jia Rong said...

    I will not make my parents worry for me. I will help them in their household choices.

  38. I will show my love and appreciation to my father by massaging him on the back. I will also kiss and hug himwhen I am going to sleep or going out to school. On Mother's Day, I will go out with her to shop. I will also help her choose the clothes which are nice. I will also make a card for her on this special day. When it is my brother's birthday, I will buy a small present and make a birthday card for him. I will try to hand in my work daily to make my teacher happy and study hard to get Band 1 for all my subjects. I will help my friend in work and projects. I will also cooperate with my friends too.

  39. I love my family dearly, especially my mother and father. Jia Rui is my best friend.He is always on my side. Once we are together, we like to chat. WHen a project is given to us, we will always go to each other's house to do it. Of course, we will always be on each other's side.
