Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blogging Enrichment

Dear beloved children,

The following pupils have yet to tyoe in their comments on how they would show aprreciation to their parents, friends and teachers.

1) Cheryl
2) Felicia
3) Wei Xuan
4) Yao Hui
5) Kenny
6) Hongwei
7) Darius
8) Aidil

Please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


  1. I will not make my parents worry for me and I will help them with their household choices.

  2. I will not make my parents worry for me. I will help them in their household choices.

  3. Every sensible human being in this world has a sense of love and appreciation.Same goes to me.There are many ways in showing our love and appreciation to our beloved ones like our family,teachers and friends.As for me,I show my love and appreciation to my family by being a caring and an obediant child.As an oldest son in my family,I will make sure I take care my siblings.Whenever my parents are not around,I will share my food with my younger brother and sister.To show my love and appreciation,I will make sure that I respect and listen to their advice and try not to do things that will make them disapointed.To show my love and appreciation to my teachers,I will also listen to their instructions and respect them.As for my friends,I show any love and appreciation to them by sharing knowledge and study together.To me,it is wise to have many friends regardless of their race and religion.I really love my family,teachers and friends very much,because without them,I will be a lonely person in this world.

  4. I will not let my parents worry.
