Thursday, February 12, 2009

Homework (13 February 2009)

Dear beloved children,

Please remember to complete your homework.

1. English Journal (Topic: If I had a million dollars)

2. Science: Read on the topic: Energy

3. Science worksheet

4. Look for the meaning of the words in your vocab book.

5. Go to and take a look at the videos on Energy.

Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Yang

1 comment:

  1. This is how I show my love and appreciation for my parents :

    1. Don't waste my parents money by buying unnecessary things.

    2. Listen to my parents.

    3. After playing with my toys, I will pack up and not leave it around for my parents to pack up.

    4. Help my parents to sweep the floor.

    5. I must not pester my parents to buy things for me.

    6. I must obey them.

    7. I must not talk back to them.

    8. I must be thrifty.

    9. I must tell the truth.

    How I show my love and appreciation for siblings :

    1. I must not fight with them.

    2. I must share my things with them.

    3. Respect him/her weather he or she is older or younger then me.

    4. Work together with them.

    5. Cooperate with them.

    How I show my love and appreciation for my teacher :

    1. Pay attention in class when teacher is teaching.

    2. Don't talk to my friend unnecessarily when teacher is teaching in class.

    3. Do not skip classes.

    4. Don't interrupt when teacher is talking in class.
