Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques

Dear beloved chidlren,

For those of you whom have no CCA in the afternoon and who signed up for Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques, the dates are as followed:

29 Jan, 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 26 Feb, 5 March, 12 March, 26 March [12 noon - 1.30pm]

For those of you whom have CCA in the afternoon and who signed up for Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques, the dates are as followed:

29 Jan, 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 26 Feb, 5 March, 12 March, 26 March [2.30pm - 4PM]

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

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