Friday, January 16, 2009

Science questions and answers

Dear beloved children and parents,

Below are some science questions and answers to it.

Parents, you may like to use it to explain to your child.


Mrs Yang


Question: What happened to the water level when you placed a marble into the measuring cylinder filled with water?

Answer: The water level increased.

Question: Why did the water level in the measuring cylinder changed?

Answer: The marble takes up some space previously occupied by the water. Water is pushed away to occupy other space in the cylinder.


Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
Example: snow, blood, rice,

Examples of non-matter: light, heat


Question: Why is it when a syringe is filled with water and the plunger is pushed, the volume of water does not change?

Answer: Water, like all liquids have a definite volume - they cannot be compressed.


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