Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dear pupils,

I have assigned some of you to the lockers outside my class.

Please do a minor clean-up of the locker before placing your stuff in it. Please bear in mind that you are not supposed to place your textbooks in the lockers. Textbooks are to be brought home daily for revision.

You will only have access to your lockers at the start of every day, during recess time and after school.

Here are the assigned lockers:

Ili & Deeni : 31
Shimin : 32
Derek : 36
Felicia & Nicole : 40

Chaplin & Hee Jet : 33
Jacintha & Cheryl : 34
Aidil & Kenny : 37

Atikah : 26
Roslyn : 27
Adriel & Jun Hong : 28
Wan Xuan & Wei Xuan : 29
Cherie & Chloe : 30

Zi Wen & Nathanael : ?

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

1 comment:

  1. Lockers are for you to put your SS book and other things but NOT YOUR 4 MAIN SUBJECTS.
    (Am I right?)
