Friday, January 30, 2009 assignments

Dear beloved children,

I have assigned some online assignments for you on .

Do login and complete the assignments during your free time.

I have set the number of attempts to multiple times so that you may revisit and do it again for revision and for reinforcement of concepts.

Do approach me if you encounter any difficulties with the problems.

Dear parents,

Do sit down with your child as they attempt the questions and guide them along!

Thank you!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang


Dear beloved children and parents,

Please revise Whole numbers, factors, multiples and estimation.

Always read the instructions before attempting the questions.

You have only been taught to round off to the nearest ten or hundred.

Do read through your science textbook and purple booklet for your upcoming Science DE.

Daily revision will go a long way.

Thank you.

Have fun!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Dear beloved children,

Homework for the weekend:

1) Essay writing. Click on the link below.

Do it on a piece of foolscap. Do leave a line and write in pencil neatly. Do remember to have three paragraphs.

2) Revise your Science - Matter using the purple booklet.

3) Revise Maths Unit 1 and 2.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Smoke - Solid or Gas?

Dear beloved children,

I have checked it on the internet.

Smoke is particulate material suspended in a gas (air).

Thus smoke is classified under solids.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Student Leadership Training 29 January 2009

Dear beloved children and parents,

Today was the first day of the Student Leadership Training for the class leaders, prefects and sports leader.

Below are some pictures taken during the training. Do spot your classmtes in the photos!

I hope those who attend will learn how to be a better leader.


Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Ty spotting Ryan!

Try spotting Wan Xuan.

Where's Marilyn?

Where is Hee Jet?

What about Kenny?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dear beloved children,

Homework for the day:

1) Obtain parent's signature for Editing worksheet 3.
2) Corrections for synthesis/connectors worksheet and obtain parent's signature on the cover page.
3) Revise multiplication by 2 digit number.

Please take note that DEs will be conducted next week. Do revise your work and be prepared for them.

Thank you.

Dear parents,

Do kindly remind your child to put a full-stop at the end of a sentence. Also, do ensure that their baby 's', 'c'', 'm' etc are written clearly.

Do revise and go through the connectors worksheet 1, 2 and 3 with your children. It will benefit them greatly.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques 2.30 -4pm

Dear beloved pupils,

Do take note of the change if you are attending 2.30 - 4pm slot.

The first lesson will not start tomorrow as it clashes with our school leadership training session. It will commence on 5 February 2009.

The revised schedule is as follows:

5 Feb
12 Feb
19 Feb
26 Feb
5 March
12 March
26 March
2 April

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear beloved pupils,

I am very glad that all of you were very generous. All of you gave willingly for the Share-A-Meal programme. Very generous pupils! :)

I will update all of you on the amount collected once I know about it.

Below are the student helpers who went round helping us to collect donations from the afternoon session.
Thanks for your help, children!

Mrs Yang

Chinese New Year concert!

Dear beloved parents and pupils,

Do enjoy the photos below. They were taken during the school's Chinese New year concert which was held today.

There was a lion dance performance too!

I think I will let the pictures do the talking.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Mandarin oranges presented by class leader - Marilyn.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Maths Questions

Dear beloved children & parents,

Try practising these 2 questions at home over the long holidays.

1. Jane bought 5 pairs of shoes and 6 dresses. She spent $160 on them. A pair of shoes cost twice as much as a dress. Find the cost of a pair of shoes.

2. The sum of Mrs Tang and her daughter this year is 44 years old. 4 years ago, Mrs Tang was 5 times her daughter's age.
a) Find the age of Mrs Tang this year.
b) Find the age of her daughter this year.

[ Clue: Step 1: Find the sum of Mrs Tang and her daughter 4 years ago.
Step 2: Draw the model for Mrs Tang and her daughter 4 years ago.
Step 3: Find the age of her daughter 4 years ago.
Step 4: Find the age of her daughter this year.
Step 5: Find the age of Mrs Tang 4 years ago.
Step 6: Find the age of Mrs Tang this year

I hope you are able to solve the problem by yourself.


Have a prosperous new year! :)

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang


Dear beloved pupils,

Please remember to complete your homework.

1) English worksheet
2) Revise Sci WB and Sci worksheet.
3) Revise Maths Unit 1 & 2.

Thank you and have a Happy Chinese New Year!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Anti-drug essay writing

Dearest beloved children,

You have to write a piece of essay over this long weekend. It is an anti-drug essay.

You can choose one of the following:

(1) Write an essay with the theme - The Misery of Drug Abuse

(2) Write an essay beginning with the following phrase - " I/He/She did not walk away when my/his/her friend asked me/him/her to try sniffing the glue. . . . "

You may make use of the words below:
addiction arrested freedom damage
health tired recovery hurt

Please write it on a piece of foolscap paper. Remember to have 3 paragraphs. Start each paragraph with 2 fingers spacing. Do leave a line.

You have to hand in on 28th January 2009.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Share-A-Meal 2009

Dearest beloved,

There will be a fund raising drive on 28 January 2009. Therefore I like all of you to play a part in giving and sharing with the less privileged people. Hence, I like to encourage everyone to share a meal by donating a sum equivalent to what you spend for lunch.

Please remember to bring the sum of money on Wednesday, 28 January 2009!
Check out for more information.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

When a child learns to share since young, he will learn to be generous in future.

Chinese New Year celebration

Dear beloved children,

The school will be celebrating Chinese New Year on Wednesday, 28 January 2009.

As Chinese New Year falls on Sunday, 25 January 2009, there will be no half day on Friday, 23 January 2009.

There will be no change of school hours on 23 and 25 January 2009.

You may wear your festive costumes on 28 January 2009 in order to enhance the joyous occassion and to promote cross-cultural understanding.

That's all.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques

Dear beloved chidlren,

For those of you whom have no CCA in the afternoon and who signed up for Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques, the dates are as followed:

29 Jan, 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 26 Feb, 5 March, 12 March, 26 March [12 noon - 1.30pm]

For those of you whom have CCA in the afternoon and who signed up for Tony Buzan Brainsmart Study Techniques, the dates are as followed:

29 Jan, 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 26 Feb, 5 March, 12 March, 26 March [2.30pm - 4PM]

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Homework (20-1-2009)

Dear precious children,

Please remember to complete Maths Test 1.
Fill up the form for Tony Buzan workshop.

Do bring along your Science workbook (purple) tomorrow.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Monday, January 19, 2009


Dear children,

Do read below for more on similes.

A simile is the comparison of two unlike things using the word 'like' or 'as', e.g. an example of a simile would be as big as a bus.


As agile as a monkey

As alike as two peas in a pod

As bald as a baby's backside

As bald as a badger

As bald as a coot

As big as a bus

As big as an elephant

As black as a sweep

As black as coal

As black as one is painted

As black as pitch

As blind as a bat

As blind as a mole

As bold as brass

As brave as a lion

As bright as a button

As bright as a new pin

As bright as day

As bright as the sun

As busy as a beaver

As busy as a bee

As busy as a cat on a hot tin roof

As calm as a

Click on the link below for more!


Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dear beloved pupils,

Below are the definitions of some words that we came across today.

illiterate: unable to read and write

illegible: impossible or hard to read or decipher because of poor handwriting

born of parents who are not married to each other; born out of wedlock: an illegitimate child.
2. not legitimate; not sanctioned by law or custom.
3. unlawful; illegal: an illegitimate action.

oblivious: unmindful; unconscious; unaware

That is all, children.

Do make use of the time wisely to revise your work.

Remember to complete Set AA & BB of your English worksheet.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Friday, January 16, 2009

Science questions and answers

Dear beloved children and parents,

Below are some science questions and answers to it.

Parents, you may like to use it to explain to your child.


Mrs Yang


Question: What happened to the water level when you placed a marble into the measuring cylinder filled with water?

Answer: The water level increased.

Question: Why did the water level in the measuring cylinder changed?

Answer: The marble takes up some space previously occupied by the water. Water is pushed away to occupy other space in the cylinder.


Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
Example: snow, blood, rice,

Examples of non-matter: light, heat


Question: Why is it when a syringe is filled with water and the plunger is pushed, the volume of water does not change?

Answer: Water, like all liquids have a definite volume - they cannot be compressed.


I will never not ever eat tomatoes

Dear belovd children,
I hope all of you enjoyed today's story.
Remember to eat vegetables.
Carrots are orange twiglets. Peas are greendrops from Greenland!
Just keep up the love for reading!
That's all.
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Faces of 4A

Yasira, Deeni, Ili & Shi Min

Hee Jet, Chaplin, Derrick, Ryan, Aidil & Kenny

Yao Hui, Nathanael & Ikmal

Atikah, Marilyn, Cheryl, Nicole, Jacintha & Felicia

Michelle, Janice, Yvonne & Yuan Li

Jia Hao, Darius, Jiale & Zi Wen

Wan Xuan, Wei Xuan, Cherie & Chloe

Andy, Jia Rui, Hong Wei, Jun Hong & Adriel

Andy, Jia Rui & Hongwei
Dear beloved children and parents,

Do enjoy the pictures above. These were taken in Week 1 !
Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Yang

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Homework (16-1-2009)

Dear beloved children,

Homework (16-1-2009)

1.English worksheet.

2. Spelling corrections and obtain parent's signature.

3. Maths WB corrections and obtain parent's signature.

4. Please revise comparing numbers, estimation, rounding off, factors and multiples.

5. Please read through Science - Matter.

6. Upcoming DEs in Week 4.

Please read voraciously! It aids in your English!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Fables and fairy tales website

Dear beloved children,

Do visit the website and read at the stories!

DO have fun reading!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Idioms website

Dear children,

Here is the link to idioms online.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Homework (14-1-2009)

Dear children,

Homework (14-1-2009):

1. Revise comparing numbers, rounding off, estimation, factors and multiples.

2. Read through your Science on Matter.

3. Learn how to spell the following 8 words:
1) amusing
2) exaggerate
3) expensive
4) interesting
5) humorous
6) gorgeous
7) enormous
8) gigantic

Please get ready for upcoming DEs in Week 4.

Your Spelling (Editing) will be on every Tuesday.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Online practice

Dear beloved children,

Here are some online practice on rounding the number to the nearest ten/hundred.


Interactive websites:





Do have fun at these online interactive games.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Homework (9-1-09)

Dear beloved children,


1) Maths WB pg 11, 12, 15 to 20.

2) Journal - How did I spend my December holidays?

Please take the weekend to revise your work.

Also, do visit to re-look at the Science and Maths clips.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Dear pupils,

I have assigned some of you to the lockers outside my class.

Please do a minor clean-up of the locker before placing your stuff in it. Please bear in mind that you are not supposed to place your textbooks in the lockers. Textbooks are to be brought home daily for revision.

You will only have access to your lockers at the start of every day, during recess time and after school.

Here are the assigned lockers:

Ili & Deeni : 31
Shimin : 32
Derek : 36
Felicia & Nicole : 40

Chaplin & Hee Jet : 33
Jacintha & Cheryl : 34
Aidil & Kenny : 37

Atikah : 26
Roslyn : 27
Adriel & Jun Hong : 28
Wan Xuan & Wei Xuan : 29
Cherie & Chloe : 30

Zi Wen & Nathanael : ?

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Monday, January 5, 2009

Gases, liquids and solids

Dear beloved children,

Do check out this interactive science website on gases, liquids and solids!

Do have fun!

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Whole numbers

Dear precious children,

As we are going to start on Whole numbers soon, I would like to recommend this educational website for you to try on. It is on comparing numbers within 100 000.

I strongly urge all of you to read up each chapter before I start teaching that chapter. Do go back home and revise daily so that you are able to clear your doubts straightaway.

Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Mass exercise photos

Dear beloved children,
Above are some random photos that I took during the mass exercise!
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Beliefs and principles of an Excellent Leader

Dear beloved children,
Above is some of the key beliefs and principles to being an excellent leader.
I do hope that you apply it to yourself.
I am sure that if everyone of you put in effort in your studies, you will do exceedingly well in your examinations in this year!
Let's all strive towards that goal.
Thank you.
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Composition file

Dear beloved pupils,

I hope that all of you had fun at the mass exercise and the game we had today!

I really enjoyed myself doing the mass exercise with all of you.

By the way, I need a Composition file. Please do get it ready. You can recycle the file that you used last year, just remember to change the class on the front of the file!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Friday, January 2, 2009

Prefects of 4A

Dear beloved pupils,

Below are the names of the prefects for our class.

1. Yew Shi Min
2. Nicole Loh Jing Yi
3. Chaplin Ho
4. Tan Wan Xuan
5. Atikah Torman
6. Lim Wei Xuan

Do carry out your duties with dignity and integrity!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear beloved children,

Please do remember to wear your PE attire on Monday (5/1/2009) and Tuesday (6/1/2009).

Do bring the following books on Monday for submission:
-Maths WB 4A
-Eng WB 4B
-Social Studies WB
-Maths Tests book
-English file
-Maths file
-Science file

By the way, please write a journal entry about your first day in school and fill up the information on the piece of yellow paper.

Have a lovely weekend!


Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

1st day of school

Dear beloved children,

Welcome back to school!

I am Mrs Yang, your form teacher. I will be taking you for English, Mathematics, Science, Health Education and Social Studies.

Let's hope 2009 will be an awesome year for our class in terms of academic and character development!

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang