Monday, July 13, 2009

The Expert Glider

Dear sweeties,

I hope you learnt something out from the story 'The Expert Glider'.

The flying lemur, flying lizard, flying frog and flying fish are examples of animals that glide.

These animals glide witht he help of membrane foudn on their bodies. They do so to avoid predators, to chase prey or to travel more efficiently from place to place.

Flying fish can glide for long distances. They do so by swimming very fast, then breaking the surface of the sea and gliding on outstretched fins.

The flying frog has membranes that are only found between the toes of his four limbs.

Vocabularly :

clumsy: not able to move easily or carefully

wrinkled : full of lines

membrane: skin-like layer

limbs: legs or arms

expert: knowing a lot about something

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