Friday, July 31, 2009

Istana Open House on

Hi kids,

Istana Open House is on this Sunday (2 August 2009), 8am - 5pm.

Free admission.
Mrs Yang

Thursday, July 30, 2009


These pupils have yet to submit acknowledgement form for NAFA test as well as Travel declaration form:

- Aidil
- Michelle
- Yvonne
- Yaohui
- Cherie
- Atikah
- Nathanael
- Chloe
- Wei Qiang
- Ziwen
- Deeni
- Jia Rui
- Yasira
- Adriel
- Darius

31 July 2009

Dear beloved children,

Homework for the weekend:

1. Maths worksheet (weekend challenge)

2. Maths WB pg 59 - 62

3. English worksheet All due on Monday.

4. Obtain parent's signature for English DE.

For those who have yet to hand in your travel declaration, please do so by Monday.

Also do take note that your NAFA test (static stations) is on Monday 3.30 - 4.15pm.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

All about SHARKS

Hi children,

Do click on the link below to read more about sharks.


Mrs Yang

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

English tips

“I’m on the bus” or “I’m in the bus?”

What is the correct way to say this?


I was travelling by bus one day when someone called me on the phone and asked where I was.

Should I say, “I’m in a bus” or “I’m on a bus”?


You should say, “I’m on a bus.”

Use the preposition “on” for transport that you have to step up to in order to board. This applies to trains, planes, bicycles and the MRT.

Use “in” for transport like cars and taxis. This is because you need to step down to get inside the vehicle.

Source: NLB(


“Enquiry” or “inquiry”?

Which is the correct usage of both words?

Are both words interchangeable?


In British English, used here in Singapore, if you make an enquiry, you are asking for information.

An inquiry is an investigation conducted by an organisation, the police for example.

National Day celebration on 7 Aug 2009

Hello childen and parents,

School will function from 7.10am to 10am on 7 August 2009.

Please bring along a pair of scissors, writing and colouring materials on that day as there will be a special National Day Programme for you to participate in.

Do come to school in red attire eg. red t-shirts.

10 August 2009 will be a public holiday, so you have to report back to school on 11 August 2009, Tuesday.

That's all.

Lots of smile,

Mrs Yang

Words for Editing 5

Words in editing 5:

- electricity

- destroyed

- continually

- conservation

- source

- batteries

- environment

- continuation

- condenses


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sears Tower in Chicago

Hello children,

Check out this website.

Its the Sears Tower in Chicago!

Mrs Yang

Decimals online

Hello children,

Log in to using the ID given.

Login ID: Rfm4019 Password: Sing82

- Click on 'Grade D' and click on 'Decimals'.

Do the activities there (addition, subtraction and place values)
- Click on 'Grade E' and then 'Decimals'.
- Click on 'Grade F' and then 'Decimals'.

There are multiplication and division. Do use it to reinforce your learning in school.

Read about the bimetallic strip!

Do have fun!

Mrs Yang

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fun Science Time

Dear all,
I hope you have fun at the Science activities we did in Fun Science today. It was really great seeing the way all of you try to melt the ice. Some of you stepped on the ice, rub the ice against your arms etc.
Anyway, enjoy the photos. :)
Mrs Yang
Hi children,

Do visit the links below.;templateStyle=simplequiz;pagerType=pages;pagerData=1

Sunday, July 26, 2009

E-learning day

Hello children,

Please be aware that tomorrow is E-learning day, hence do stay at home and complete your online assignment. Do log in to .

Do finish up your Science worksheet and revise on your decimals and heat.

Please do read more books or try reading newspapers.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

E-learning Day

23 July 2009

Hello children,

Please revise for your Science DE.

Hand in all your files tomorrow.

Do bring along the Science worksheet and the Science Activity Book (purple) to school tomorrow.

Composition on Snatch Theft is due on 27 July 2009.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, July 20, 2009

Words to learn for Science - Heat

Dear children,

Please attempt the quiz under Heat in your in preparation for your upcoming Science DE.

Please also note that you do know how to spell the following words:

1) expand
2) contract
3) temperature
4) thermometer
5) heat
6) inflate
7) conductor
8) insulator
9) travel
10) loss
11) gain

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Translation services

Science Exploria - Homemade Oven

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Olivia and the missing toy

Dear children,

The above book was borrowed form the school library. There are many interesting books out there. Do spend some time looking for them!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Dear children,

1) Please log in to and click on Mathematics and do the mini quiz for decimals.

2) Log in to using the ID given. Login ID: Rfm4019 Password: Sing82

- Click on 'Grade D' and click on 'Decimals'. Do the activities there (addition, subtraction and place values)
- Click on 'Grade E' and then 'Decimals'.
- Click on 'Grade F' and then 'Decimals'. There are multiplication and division. Do use it to reinforce your learning in school.


4) (Read pg 1- 3 followed by acitivty and quiz).

Do have fun at them!

By the way, DEs will be conducted this week.
Maths _ Decimals
Science - Heat

Mrs Yang

ICT lessons - Storyboarding

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CCAs that will resume

Dear children and parents,

Do note that the following CCAs will resume on Thursday, 30 July 2009.

- Volleyball
- Soccer
- Netball
- Track and Field
- Wushu
- Choir
- Malay Dance
- Chinese Dance
- Indian Dance
- Modern Dance
- Chinese Orchestra
- Guitar Ensemble

Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Yang

Racial Harmony Day

Dear children,

You may wear ethnic traditional costumes to school on Tuesday, 21 July 2009. However, no high heel shoes are allowed.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

17 July 2009

Dear children,

Homework for the day:

1) Maths worksheet

2) Eng workbook corrections and obtain parent's signature from January till June

3) Look for articles on Snatch Theft and read up on them . This is in preparation to do mind map for essay on Monday.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

16 July 2009

Dear belvoed children,

1) Please complete Maths WB corrections and pages 50, 52, 55, 57 and 58.

2) Do remember about the structure of a narrative story.

A narrative story has (1)orientation (place, characters & time), (2)a problem, (3)a resolution and (4)a coda (moral).

Narrative stories tend to capture the readers more compared to writing a recount.

Do bear that in mind.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

The Gruffalo

Dear sweethearts,
I hope you enjoyed the story, 'The Gruffalo'. It was a pretty awesome story, isn't it?

Do visit this link which is the official website for The Gruffalo.

Here is Kevan's email address: so maybe you could like to send an ecard to him!

Stay cheerful,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Online learning 15 July 09

Dear children,

1) Please log in to and click on Mathematics and do the mini quiz for decimals.

2) Log in to using the ID given. Login ID: Rfm4019 Password: Sing82

- Click on 'Grade D' and click on 'Decimals'. Do the activities there (addition, subtraction and place values)

- Click on 'Grade E' and then 'Decimals'.

- Click on 'Grade F' and then 'Decimals'. There are multiplication and division. Do use it to reinforce your learning in school.

Do have fun at them!

Thank you.


Mrs Yang


Dear jewels,

Next week we will be conducting DEs, therefore do revise your work.

Thank you.

All the best,
Mrs Yang

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Expert Glider

Dear sweeties,

I hope you learnt something out from the story 'The Expert Glider'.

The flying lemur, flying lizard, flying frog and flying fish are examples of animals that glide.

These animals glide witht he help of membrane foudn on their bodies. They do so to avoid predators, to chase prey or to travel more efficiently from place to place.

Flying fish can glide for long distances. They do so by swimming very fast, then breaking the surface of the sea and gliding on outstretched fins.

The flying frog has membranes that are only found between the toes of his four limbs.

Vocabularly :

clumsy: not able to move easily or carefully

wrinkled : full of lines

membrane: skin-like layer

limbs: legs or arms

expert: knowing a lot about something

Vote for the iconic bird

Dear beloved,

With regards to the newspaper sharing on voting for the iconic bird for Jurong Bird Park,
please click on this link to vote.

Polling ends on 31 July 2009. Results will be out on 9 August 2009.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Interactive games on rounding off!!!

Dear kids,

Do visit the link below to practise on rounding off.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

10 July 2009

Dear kids,

Homework for the weekend:

1) English worksheet
2) Maths worksheet
3) Corrections in composition file ( Look through every page for the highlighted words and do your corrections)*

* Only some pupils have the files. I will return the rest back to you on Monday.
Do go back home and search for the missing compositions that your friend had told you.

4) Revise rounding off and converting fractions to decimals.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

8th July 2009

Dear beloved,

Homework for the day:

1. Synthesis worksheet pg 14 & 15
2. Vocabularly worksheet
3. Obtain parent's signature for the months of May - July for your composition file.

4. Please revise rounding off decimals by going through your textbook.

Please do bring a whiteboard and a marker to school everyday. We need it to do mini whiteboard questions. Otherwise please have a notebook with you to do the questions.

Please do take out a book and read during the morning silent reading.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, July 6, 2009

Types of thermometer

Below: The correct way of reading temperature from a thermometer. Eye should be at level to the mercury in the thermometer.
Laboratory thermometer.

Wall thermometer : measures the temperature of the air

Digital clinical thermometer

Clinical thermometer

A thermometer is a special instrument that measures temperature in degrees Celsius. Using a thermometer will gives us a more accurate measurement of temperature.

Temperature is a measure of how hot something is.

Learning stations at Spring Hub

Dear beloved,
Here are the pictures taken at the Spring Hub last Thursday!
Try spotting yourself!
Mrs Yang