Tuesday, May 19, 2009

National Heritage Tour to Kampong Glam

Dear beloved children,

Our class will ve going on a heritage tour to Kampong Glam next Tuesday, 26 May 2009. It is compulsory for ALL pupils in the class.

It will be during curriculum time, therefore you need to report to school at the usual time 7.10am.

Objectives of the tour:
- understand and appreciate the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people
- foster a sense of pride in the rich diversity of our heritage
- share a common bond which will hold our society together as a people and as a nation

Please bring along a clip-board, a pen, a cap, a water bottle and an umbrella or raincoat. Do pack some sandwiches along.

Do come in your PE attire.

Please complete the consent form and return it to me by Friday, 22 May 2009.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

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