Monday, May 4, 2009

Influenza A (H1N1)

Dearest beloved children,

Swine flu is now known as Influenza A (H1N1). Now Singapore is on orange alert.

Symptoms of Influenza A are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu.

Therefore it is important to be vigilant and alert to this current situation. Please have good personal hygiene practices and keep the school premises and house clean.

Always use a tissue paper to cover your nose or mouth when you cough or sneeze or you can wear a mask . It is a responsible act and no one will laugh at you.

The school has implemented daily temperature taking exercises twice a day, once at the start of the day and the other at 11am. Please have your thermometer with you daily.

Basic information to protect yourself from flu inflection:
1. maintain high standard of hygiene
2. wash hands with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet
3. cough or sneeze into a tissue to prevent the spread of germs on hands
4. avoid touching the eyes or nose as this can spread infection from hands to the upper repsiratory system
5. do not share eating utensils
6. stay at home or see a doctor immediately when you feel unwell

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

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