Thursday, May 28, 2009

Read! Read! Read!

Dearest brainy kids,

Do visit the following websites.

There are some online stories suitable for young children, older children and even young adults.

Do have fun reading!

Please try to read one newspaper article a day.

Mrs Yang

Science (Energy MCQ homework)

Dear children,

Please do remember that you have a Science worksheet to do. It is not reflected in the June Holidays assignment.

Do revise your work daily and also do READ.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Report books

Dearest brainy kids,

Please ensure that you bring your report book for submission tomorrow. Ensure that the report slip has your parent's signature on it.

For those who did not bring tomorrow, please bring it and return to the General Office during the holidays.

For pupils who are on medical leave tomorrow, please collect your work from the General Office. I will leave it there after school tomorrow. Otherwise, do get your siblings to look for me to collect the homework.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

School Library books

Dear children,

Do take note. Please return all your school library books to the school library tomorrow.

Kenny -- 1 book
Atikah --- 3 books
Nathanael --- 2 books
Ryan Choo --- 1 book

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dearest children,

Please read through on Decimals.


Mrs Yang

Recommended servings of food for children & teenagers

Dearest children,

Do click on the link and complete the HE worksheet.

After completing it, please log in to

Click on Maths Primary 4 and attempt the activites for the following topics:
1) fractions
2) angles
3) parallel and perpendicular lines

You may also visit

Try Grade 3 -->:

1) Fractions
2) Multiplication (click on the 3rd circle on the left after you are brought to the page, click on the contracted form)

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Books that are missing

Hello children,

The following books are missing. Could you help me check whether do you have them at home?

The books' numbers are: 4, 46, 61, 63 and 66.

Please kindly bring them and pass to me if you find them at home.

I am doing stock checking and remember we do not wish to deprive one another the chance of reading the books.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Heritage Tour to Kampong Glam

Dearest beloved children,
I hope you have an interesting tour to Kampong Glam. Some of you bought toys which were what your parents and I played when we were younger.
Anyway, have fun looking at the photos!

Mrs Yang

Friday, May 22, 2009


You can have a try at the following links:

1) (Decimals)

2) (Interactions)

That's all.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Yang

Reflection Day on 29 May

Dearest parents and children,

29 May 2009 will be our school's Reflection Day. As such, the school hours will be changed on that day.

School hours: 7.05am -10.30am

Please bring along your stationery, pupil handbook and a story book on that day.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

P4 Oral Confidence Course

Dearest children,

Please ignore the old dates for the P4 Oral Confidence Course. Please adhere to the new set of dates given on the new handout today.

All participants will attend the course which falls on 22nd June, 2 , 9, 16, 30 July, 6 and 13 August.

Please email me at for any further clarifications.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

P4 Oral Confidence Course

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Class library books & thermometer

Dearest beloved children,

1. Please bring along your thermometer on Monday as there will be a temperature taking exercise on Monday. Do get a new thermometer if yours is not working.

2. Please check whether you have any class library books at home and do bring them on Monday and pass it to me. We do not want to deprive anyone of us the chance of reading a wonderful book. :)

Plus I am doing stock checking right now. Do cooperate with me. Thanks.

The books that are missing are: (Book numbers) 22, 28, 52, 53, 55, 46, 61, 63, 66, 36, 12, 20, 4 and 9.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Science Booklet A

Dearest children,

There is a mistake to question 21 for Science.

The answer should be 2 and not 4. Sorry for the mistake.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Maths Enrichment in June

Dear children,

Here are the names of pupils who sign up for the Maths enrichment course in June.

Group 1:

Lee Hong Wei
Wong Jia Rui
Nicole Loh Jing Yi
Kenny Ang Jia Rong
Atikah Torman
Lim Xiao Hui Chloe
Tee Jun Hong
Aiman Nurdeeni Bte Abdul Halim
Muhammad Aidil AssyiddiQ Bin Rashid
Wee De Li Derrick
Ili Nuratikah Azlee
Jacintha Kwan Jie Xin
Chew Zi Wen
Pek Chee Siong

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Exam scripts

Dearest children,

Do check through your exam scripts and see is there any mistakes in tabulation of marks. Please inform me by tomorrow morning!

Do fill up the travel declaration form. A NIL return is required.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

P4 oral confidence skills course

Dear parents and children,

Your child was given a circular on P4 Oral Confidence Skills Course.

This course is to better equip our pupils with the skills needed to excel in English Language. Cambridge Resources will be conducting the programme.

Being a better speaker can help both children to stand out from the crowd in a positive way and to be more successful in all aspects of life. Improved presentation and oral confidence skills can mean more self-confidence and better grades regardless of age and gender.

Details of the course:

Venue : East Spring Pri Sch
Sessions : 5 sessions. 3 hours each
Day and time : Monday - Friday, 9am - 12.20pm
Commencement Date : 22 June 2009
Payment : $80 per student (Cash/cheque/edusave)
Payment collection dates & venue : 25-27 May 2009 at school canteen
Collection time : 9.30am - 10.30am

I do strongly encourage all parents to sign their children up for the course.

You can submit the application form to me tomorrow and I will keep it and submit it for the pupils on Monday.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Subject Banding/ Maths and Science results

Dear children,

Please remember to show the brochure on subject banding to your parents.

Do let your parents know your Maths and Science results.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

National Heritage Tour to Kampong Glam

Dear beloved children,

Our class will ve going on a heritage tour to Kampong Glam next Tuesday, 26 May 2009. It is compulsory for ALL pupils in the class.

It will be during curriculum time, therefore you need to report to school at the usual time 7.10am.

Objectives of the tour:
- understand and appreciate the rich cultural and historical heritage of our people
- foster a sense of pride in the rich diversity of our heritage
- share a common bond which will hold our society together as a people and as a nation

Please bring along a clip-board, a pen, a cap, a water bottle and an umbrella or raincoat. Do pack some sandwiches along.

Do come in your PE attire.

Please complete the consent form and return it to me by Friday, 22 May 2009.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Collection of old newspapers

Dear beloved children,

There will be a school-wide recycling programme. Please bring old newspapers and magazines for recycling.

You can place them at the blue cage at the back of the parade square.

Please start bring some newspapers from tomorrow.

Do read the circular for more information.

Mrs Yang

Asia 1 website

Dear beloved children and parents,

Do access the following website.

Do read more to improve your English and keep yourself updated with the current affairs too!

Kill 2 birds with one stone!

Thank you.


Mrs Yang

Sunday, May 17, 2009

4B workbooks

Dear children,

Please bring along your 4B Maths WB (Part 1 & 2) on Wednesday.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear children,

You must be feeling so excited because it is the last day of the exams. Do go out and have fun!

Please submit your Anti- Drug Ambassdor Booklet to me on Wednesday!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, May 4, 2009


Dear darlings,

Please have 2 2B pencils with you for next week as you need them to shade on the OAS. DO be careful when you shade. Write down the answers on the question papers in order to facilitate your checking.

Please have protractor, set squares and rulers ready for your exams.


Mrs Yang

Influenza A (H1N1)

Dearest beloved children,

Swine flu is now known as Influenza A (H1N1). Now Singapore is on orange alert.

Symptoms of Influenza A are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu.

Therefore it is important to be vigilant and alert to this current situation. Please have good personal hygiene practices and keep the school premises and house clean.

Always use a tissue paper to cover your nose or mouth when you cough or sneeze or you can wear a mask . It is a responsible act and no one will laugh at you.

The school has implemented daily temperature taking exercises twice a day, once at the start of the day and the other at 11am. Please have your thermometer with you daily.

Basic information to protect yourself from flu inflection:
1. maintain high standard of hygiene
2. wash hands with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet
3. cough or sneeze into a tissue to prevent the spread of germs on hands
4. avoid touching the eyes or nose as this can spread infection from hands to the upper repsiratory system
5. do not share eating utensils
6. stay at home or see a doctor immediately when you feel unwell

Thank you.

Mrs Yang