Tuesday, October 13, 2009

  • The picture shows many people flying kites on an open field.

  • There are many beautiful and interesting kites flying high in the sky.

  • There are two boys having a heated argument with each other.

  • They are probably arguing over who should fly the kite first.

  • I think they should learn to share and take turns to fly kite.

  • A man is holding a butterfly kite is looking at the boys who were quarrelling. I think he is curious about what they are arguing about.

  • Near the quarrelsome boys, there are a young boy and a man flying a kite.

  • I think the man is probably the young boy's father.

  • They look like they are having a fun and enjoyable time.

  • Two boys are running after a kite.

  • The boys were probably flying the kite when the string snapped and caused the kite to fly away.

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