Friday, August 14, 2009


  1. Not all materials are attracted by magnets except iron, steel, cobalt and nickel.
  2. Magnetic force can pass through non-magnetic substances such as plastic.
  3. Various uses of magnets in daily life:
  • fridge magnets
  • compass
  • door stoppers
  • magnets in tv screen, pencil boxes
  1. Like poles repel when the magnets are brought close to one another.
  2. Unlike poles attract when the magnets are brought close to one another.
  3. Every magnet has 2 poles, namely the North pole and the South pole.
  4. To demagnetise a magnet, we can:
  • heat it
  • hammer it many times
  • drop it many times
  1. To make a magnet, we can:
  • use electrivity
  • stroking
  • induction

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