Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dearest children,

All the files have been returned to you. If you did not bring your files to school today, please remember to do your own filing at home.

Do start revising for your upcoming SA1.

All the best.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

23rd April 2009

Dear children,

Please complete Review 3. If you are not sure about lines, squares and rectangles, we will go through it tomorrow.

Please bring along your Science file and Science Diversity worksheet to school tomorrow.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, April 20, 2009

Homework 20 April 2009

Dear children,

Please complete Science Revision 2 (Diversity, Structured). Hand in on Wednesday, 22 April 2009.

Do revise for your Science DE by studying the topical worksheets in your Science file.

Wednesday - English DE
Thursday - Maths DE
Friday - Science DE

You can do e-learning assignments on

Bring along your EZ link card tomorrow!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Important! Take note!

Dearest darlings,

Please have 2 2B pencils, protractor, set squares and ruler in your pencil case for the exams.

You need to use 2B pencil to shade on the OAS. Do shade the answer corresponding to the question. Always make sure you write your answers on the question paper for easy checking.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

EZ Link card

Dear children,

Please bring your EZ link card on Tuesday, 21st April. It is a must for all of you to bring them on that day.

You will be having your health checkup on Tuesday too!

Yours truly,
Mrs Yang

DE 3

Dear children,

Do take note that DE 3 will be conducted next week for English, Maths and Science.

Do start revising.

Science: Systems - Human & Plant

Maths: Fractions

Good luck and all the best!

Mrs Yang

Monday, April 13, 2009

14 April 2009

Dear kids,

1) Sign your English file and hand in tomorrow.

2) Sign your composition file and keep it at home for revision.

3) Situational compo (Hand in on Friday)

4) Creative and critical thinking in Mathematics consent form being issued. Show it to your parents. You are highly encouraged to take part. It is during the June holidays 23 -26 June at a cost of $40. You can pay it using edusave.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear children and parents,

Do note that when u write the angle, you need to have the angle sign before the letters.

Unit for angle is degrees, a small circle on the top right hand side of the number.

Also when measuring/reading the angles, do make a smart guess. Look and ask yourself whether the angle is bigger or smaller than 90 degrees.

Please do revise your work and seriously start to pay more attention in class.

Try this: (You have to move the protractor to the angle and read the size of the angle from the protractor. )

Mrs Yang

Friday, April 10, 2009

health booklet

Dear beloved,

Please bring along your health booklet on Monday.

If you misplaced your health booklet, please fill up the form to purchase a new health booklet at a cost of $1.50.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Homework (8-4-09)

Dearest beloved children,

Homework for the weekend:

1) Maths Review 3
2) Synthesis pg 9 and 10
3) Revise the synthesis from pg 1- 6 in preparation for your upcoming exams.
4) Read through human digestive system.
5) Recall drawing of perpendicular line and read ahead.

Science exam: P3 & P4 syllabus
Maths : P4A

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Saturday, April 4, 2009

PE attire

Dear beloved sweeties,

Do wear PE attire tomorrow (Monday, 6 April 2009) as we will be doing some Maths activites outside the class.

Do bring along protractor and set square.

Revise P3 and P4 Science syllabus for Science SA1 and Maths TB 4A for Maths.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Congratulations to Aidil and Roslyn for the best entries among the P4 level.

Do click on the link to see their entries.

Friday, April 3, 2009

3 April 2009

Dear children,

Please complete pg 111 - 119 of your Maths WB. Remember to complete your corrections.
Obtain parent's signature for March too.

Please have a protractor and set square in your bag or pencil case daily.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Dearest children,

Please complete Maths WB pg 109 and 110.

Do bring your protractor to school tomorrow.

Please do read ahead on angles, parallel and perpendicular lines and squares and rectangles.

Do start revising for your SA1.

You still have 5 weeks to your SA1.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang