Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Home visit to Jamiyah Home

Dear beloved darlings,
Do enjoy the photos. Sorry for the delay. I must say that all of you have put up a good performance. I am pleased to see you talking to the old folks at the home.
But poor Kevan, his pen and correction tape was taken away by one of the old folks.
Anyway, enjoy the photos!
Thank you.
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang


  1. Dear Children of Primary 4A
    WELL DONE! KEEP UP YOUR GOOD WORK!!! You have bring happiness and warmth to the old folks. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU 4A!!!

    Dear Mrs Yang
    Appreciated your effort and it was an educational trip for the children. Hope you will organize more trips. Nat has learnt alot and he enjoyed it. Thank you.

  2. Thanks, Mrs Lim. Nat was so immersed in his conversation with the old folk. That is a different side of him.
