Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Dearest children,

The words for Term 2 Editing 1 are:

- competitions
- teams
- consisting
- members
- model
- theme
- minutes
- results
- jubilant

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Lab period

Dearest beloved children,

Its lab period again!

1. http://www.quiz-tree.com/Fractions_Fractions-1_5_MC-4.html

2. http://www.quiz-tree.com/Fractions_Fractions-1_4_MC-4.html

3. http://www.iknowthat.com/com/L3?Area=FractionGame
(Do adding & subtracting fractions for unlike denominators and mixed numbers)

4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/revision_bites/plants_grow2.shtml(There is activity & quiz for you to do.)

5. http://urbanext.illinois.edu/gpe/case1/c1m1a.html

6. http://www.catie.org.uk/PL_plant_life_page.html

7. http://www.cuip.net/~agrosenheider/plant.html

Hope you do have fun. If you are unable to access all during lesson time, do try them when you are back at home.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Plant parts & its function

Dearest beloved children,

Do go back home and revise on stem and leaves.

Although leaves have different edges, textures and shapes but they all have the same main feature - a stalk, edge, blade and veins.

Blade : flat and broad portion of leaf

Stem : support branches and leaves of plant so that they could get as much sunlight as possible.

Plants need light, water and carbon dioxide in order to make food. The process is known as photosynthesis.

Plants take in carbon dioxide through tiny openings called stomata found on the underside of leaves.

Also, here is a website on the different shapes of leaves for your general information.


Do enjoy.

Please start revising your P3 and P4 Science for your upcoming SA1.

Mrs Yang

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Homework (30 March 2009)

Dearest beloved,

Please complete corrections in Maths WB and complete pg 95-99 of your Maths WB.

Please read up on leaves and remember to cut a stalk of leaf and bring it to class for your Science activity.

You can try writing a postcard to someone since I have taught you today.

Below is the science website that Miss Ng told the school about. Do have fun at it.


Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Friday, March 27, 2009

Homework 26 March 2009

Dearest beloved,

Please complete your English composition and obtain parent's signature for your Maths file.
Hand in both on Monday.

Please read through Science - Systems.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Important dates for Term 2

Important dates for Term 2 2009:

9 April (Thursday) -- Anuual Sports Meet

27 - 30 April -- Oral

5 May (Tuesday) --English Paper 1

6 May (Wednesday) English Language Listening Comprehension

7 May (Thursday) -- MT Paper 1

8 May (Friday) -- MT Listening Comprehension

13 May (Wednesday) -- English Paper 2

14 May (Thursday) -- MT Paper 2

15 May (Friday) -- Maths

18 May (Monday) -- Science

19 May --Do not report to school. SA1 Admin Day

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

25th March 2009

Dear beloved children,

Homework for the day:

1. English WB pg 58 Qn 1, 2 and 3.
2. English WB corrections

Please show the T erm 2 school calendarto your parents and make sure you pin them up at a prominent place.

Today I have taught you on adding and subtracting of like (same denominator) and unlike (different denominator) fractions, please go home and revise on it.

Do visit
1. http://www.quiz-tree.com/Fractions_Fractions-1_5_MC-4.html

2. http://www.quiz-tree.com/Fractions_Fractions-1_4_MC-4.html

3. http://www.iknowthat.com/com/L3?Area=FractionGame (Do adding & subtracting fractions for unlike denominators and mixed numbers)

Do have fun, kids!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, March 23, 2009

24th March 2009

Dear sweeties,

Please complete Maths WB pg 88 - 92 and corrections.
Obtain parent's signature for the month of March.

Please bring your Sci TB to school tomorrow.

For those involved in Sony Creative Toy making, the deadline for it is 26th March 2009.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maths Fractions interactive website & multiplication

Dearest darlings,

If you have the time, please do visit the fractions & mutliplication website.

1) http://www.iknowthat.com/com/L3?Area=FractionGame
(Try Equivalent fractions, improper fractions, simplest form, adding and subtracting)

2) http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/games/meteor/meteor.html
(Intermediate multiplication game)


Mrs Yang

P4 Cross Cultural Camp

Dear blessed darlings,
Above are the photos taken at the Cross Cultural Camp on Monday.
I hope you enjoyed yourself at the stations.
Thank you.
Mrs Yang

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March holidays work

Dearest children,

1) Please bring your Spring Champ medal on the first day of Term 2.

2) Compo file on first day of Term 2. Parent's signature please.

3) English worksheet homework

4) E-learning homework

5) Access the fractions website to reinforce learning on fractions.

6) Revise fractions - mixed numbers and improper fractions.

7) Read up on conversion of fractions, adding and subtracting fraction and fractions of a set.

8) Please do revise your work. If you encounter any problems, just let me know in the shoutout. I will be in school on Monday and Tuesday.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Dear beloved children,

1) Please access your lead.com from Saturday onwards to complete your e-learning assignments.

2) Read ahead on Systems, Fractions and Angles.

3) Do read through your composition file as I have given you some handouts to be filed in there.

4) Revise for your upcoming oral and SA1.

Thats all.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Interactive games on fractions

Dearest children,

Try these interactive games on fractions.

1) http://www.funbrain.com/fractop/ (You may do Fractions -easy, medium and hard.)

2) http://www.visualfractions.com/LowestCircle.html (Reduce fraction to the lowest term.)

3)http://www.quiz-tree.com/Fractions_Practice_main.html (You may do Fractions 1, 2 and 3.)

4) http://www.aaamath.com/fra66h-simpfrac.html (Simplifying fractions)

5) http://www.iknowthat.com/com/L3?Area=FractionGame (fraction games)

Hope you have fun at these games! They will reinforce your learning on fractions!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Homework for the day

Dearest beloved children,

1. Obtain parent's signature for Eng, Maths and Sci DEs. Bring them back tomorrow.

2. Obtain parent's signature for English Composition file for the month of Januuary and February. Keep the composition file with you. Return them to me on first day of Term 2.

(Only those who do not have compo file in school today, please bring them tomorrow.)

3. Complete Maths thinking worksheet T1 W7 (2 questions) and all the corrections. Corrections are written on the cover page.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

P4 Cross Cultural Camp

Dearest children,

P4 Cross Cultural Camp will be on coming Monday, 16 March 2009 from 8am - 4pm.

Refreshments will be provided for during tea break. Lunch will be at your own expense. Do bring along some money to buy food from the canteen.

Please wear PE attire and bring along a pen, a small notebook and a pair of scissors.

BTW, please log in to www.lead.com.sg on Saturday to complete your holidays homework. You have to finish the assignments before Term 2 starts.

If you do not have internet access at home, please do come to school and use the computers at the foyer.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Things to bring on Friday 13 March

Dear darlings,

School hours for this coming Friday, 13 March will be from 7.10am - 9.30am.

Please bring along your pupils reflection book, a story book and writing materials.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Home visit to Jamiyah Home

Dear beloved darlings,
Do enjoy the photos. Sorry for the delay. I must say that all of you have put up a good performance. I am pleased to see you talking to the old folks at the home.
But poor Kevan, his pen and correction tape was taken away by one of the old folks.
Anyway, enjoy the photos!
Thank you.
Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Homework for the day

Dear children,

PLease complete:

1. High Peak worksheets T1 W4 and 5.

2. English WB pg 38, 39, 41, 43, 44 and 45.

3. English WB corrections

4. Read up Science - Systems.

5.Please bring along your EZ-link card for NLB mass borrowing tomorrow.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Friday, March 6, 2009

Maths multiplication website

Dearest children,

Please try this interactive website:


They have addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mental sums.

Do have a go at it!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Homework & forms

Dearest darlings,

Please complete the following stuff over the weekend:

1) Composition writing. Due on Monday, 9/3/09

2) Maths WB pg 82 - 88 and corrections.

3) Complete travel declaration form.

4) Complete the P4 cross-cultural camp form.

5) Revise fractions - mixed fractions and improper fractions

6) Read English TB Unit 9

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang :)

Fact or opinion

Dear beloved children,

Can you remember what is a fact and what is a opinion?

If you need to recall your memory, you can visit this website:


Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Homework (5 March 2009)

Dearest darlings,

Homework for the day:

1. Essay writing. Please write out the whole composition together with your own ending. Remember to leave a line. Begin your composition with 1 of the introductions being taught last week. Hand in on Monday, 9/3/2009.

Types of introduction:
1) Dialogue
2) Climax
3) Question
4) Flashback
5) Question. Have you ever lost something because you were careless?

2. Hand in your Science file tomorrow. Remember to obtain parent's signature for months of January and February.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Newspapers Donation

Dear beloved pupils,

Please bring a stack of newspapers to school next week from Monday to Thursday.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mixed Fractions

Dear beloved children,

I have started on Fractions last Friday.

What are fractions?

Mixed Fractions
So, a mixed fraction is just a whole number and a fraction combined into one "mixed" number.

Do visit the link below.


Thank you.

Lots of love,

Mrs Yang


Dear children,

Today we learnt about connectors.

1. as, when, while, before, since : are used to express time/sequence

Eg. As Mother prepares the soup, please cut the tomatoes.

2. yet, still, however : are used to show contrast

Eg. He has won the championship. Still, he is not happy.

When we join 2 different ideas using yet or still, we add a comma in front of the connector.

But when we use however to join 2 different ideas , we add a comma before and after the connector.

Thus please try to use connectors in your essay writing.

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang

For 6B


Please visit this link below http://teacher.scholastic.com/scholasticnews/games_quizzes/electiongame/game.asp (If you were the President)

http://www.geosense.net/ (Teat your knowledge) Click on visit and play alone.


Mrs Yang

World Maths Day

Dear children,

We will be going to Computer Lab 3 on Wednesday for WORLD MATHS DAY COMPETITION.

Time: 9am - 9.30am
Target: 2 classes in Hall of Fame, Top 10 scorers (regardless of level)

Children, lets aim towards being one of the 2 classes in Hall of Fame for P4 level'

Please access at home from tomorrow 7pm onwards. We need your participation!

Please get ready your password!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang