Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Blessed Christmas

Dear darlings,
Hope you have been enjoying your holdiays!
Christmas is around the corner (next week ;P).
Do have a blessed Christmas! Also, do be grateful for the presents that you receive! Its the thought that counts, not the price of the gift.
Keep in contact!
Mrs Yang

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hi children,

How is your first week of holiday so far? Are you enjoying it? Are you going anywhere out of Singapore?

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny video!

Do watch this!


puppet theatre performance by Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd

Hi children,

Hope you do enjoy puppet theatre performance by Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd tomorrow!

learning points:
1)be more aware of and be sensitive to the feelings and experiences of others.
2)the importance of building friendship within our diverse community.
3)the importance of being tolerant and living harmoniously.

Synopsis of performance:In the forest, there is a tree, a beautiful tree. At the top of the tree, there lives a bird. On the branches, there lives a monkey. Then there is the rat which lives under the tree. They are neighbours but not very good ones. Early in the morning, the bird will sing at the top of the tree, disturbing the monkey and the rat. In the afternoon, the monkey throws nutshells at the rat and the bird, irritating them. At night, the rat would dance under the tree and make so much noise that the monkey and the bird become annoyed.One day, it rained so heavily that the three of them have to abandon their home to look for another. Unable to find a suitable tree when night falls, they have no choice but to sleep under the stars. The night without shelter turns out to be so eventful and fraught with trouble that they finally understand the true meaning of friendship and cooperation. The next day, they find a tree but a frog is already living on it. Without hesitation, it invites them to stay if they do not mind its croaking. They become good neighbours despite the fact that the bird still sings early in the morning, the monkey still throw nutshells at lunchtime, the rat still dances at night and the frog croaks whenever it feels like it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Class Party?

Hi all,

Is there a class party today? Did Mrs Lim remember to take the food from the table behind mine?

How about the birthday bears? Have Mrs Lim given out all?


Mrs Yang

Overseas Cultural Immersion Programme to Malacca

Hi Chaplin,

I heard you have been shortlisted for Overseas Cultural Immersion Programme to Malacca from 23-25 Nov. Do have fun!


Mrs Yang

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dear children,

How is Mrs Lim?

By the way, has Mrs Lim conducted the class party?

Btw who has the best in conduct for the class?

1st and 2nd position in class?

Do keep me informed.

Enjoy your last week in school. Build up strong friendships k. :)


Mrs Yang

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dearest children,

Can someone remind Mrs Lim to give out the birthday bears for November and December? The birthday bears are in the drawer!


Mrs Yang

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My baby girl

Hi children,
Here is a latest photo of my baby girl. She is now 17 days old. :)

Hi children,

How was the party?

Did Mrs Lim bring down the snacks from the table behind my desk?

Where did u all have the party at?

Mrs Yang

Class next year

Hi dear children,

Do you all know which class you are going to be in next year? You can share with me who are the people going to 5A, B , C etc... if you know because some of them do not visit the blog.

Do reply under post comment. Hope to hear from you.

Remember to type your name!

Mrs Yang

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wh is Annoymous?

Hi children,

May I know who post a comment telling me the marks but forgotten to type your name down?


Now finally you can enjoy yourself!

Mrs Yang

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hi children,

I heard you know your results today already!

Care to share with me? Just type it under post comment. I will not publish your marks.


Mrs Yang

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 days old

1 day old

Hi children,

Thanks for the well-wishes. I am still at the hospital, will be discharged tomorrow afternoon. I am trying to keep my eyes awake while posting this entry.

I have to catch some sleep before my baby girl needs her next feed.

Btw I had a long labour. I admitted into the hospital at 7a.m. on Saturday but didn't manage to deliver till Sunday 4+ a.m. I had to go for c-sect. The labour pains was horrendous but when I saw my girl in my hands, all pain was worth it! Really! All mums are the greatest! Remember to go up to your mum and give her a big hug!
I will not be going back to school till next year February. Keep in contact!

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

NSW certificates

Hi Jia Rui & ZiWen,

Have you received your certificates to NSW?


Mrs Yang
Hi beloved children,

I am currently on prematernity leave as I am going to give birth anytime from now. I am making use of the time to rest at home and prepare myself for the enduring process of labour.

Meanwhile, I hope all of you put effort into your studies. Endure for 7 more days! It will soon be over. I am sure all of you will be able to pass the papers with flying colours.

Do keep me updated of what is happening in class!

Take care. All the best!


Mrs Yang

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hi children,

How is school today?

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Class photos order form

The following pupils have yet to submit their class photos order form. Please do so when you return back to school on Monday, 26 October 2009.

  1. Jiale
  2. Ili
  3. Jacintha
  4. Nathanael
  5. Darius
  6. Andy
  7. Ryan

Thank you!


Mrs Yang

English Practice Paper 4

Dearest beloved children,

Drop me a comment here or in facebook or shout out after you have finished the English Practice Paper 4.

Thank you!

Mrs Yang

Maths question


1 m of cloth cost $6. Lita bought 2.75m of the cloth. She paid the cashier $50. How much change did she get?

2.75 x 6 = 16.50
50 - 16.50 = 50.00 - 16.50
= 33.50

Answer: $33.50

(remember to write the units. Marks will be deducted for wrong units or no units)

2. Ben spent 2/5 of his money on a meal which cost $3. How much had he left with?

2 parts --- 3
1 part ---- 3 divide 2 = 1.5

3 parts left
3 parts --- 1.5 x 3 = 4.5

Answer: $4.50 (Remember that money is always given to 2 decimal places unless stated )

New South Wales certificates

Hi beloved children,

Do remember to show your parents your New South Wales certificates for English & Maths.

Well done for those who attained credit for English or Maths.

As for Zi Wen & Jia Rui, sorry for the delay of your certificates for English. They might be caught in among the certificates of other classes. I have already sent out an email to the P4 teachers asking them to keep a lookout for your certificates. Sorry about that.


Mrs Yang

Friday, October 16, 2009

Lifecycle of a dragonfly

Read about the lifecycle of a dragonfly here!


lead.com.sg assignments

Hi my dearest children,

Do remember to log in to lead.com.sg to complete your assignments.

Mrs Yang

PS: Hee Jet, I have reset your password. Do try again and let me know if you are still unable to log in.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Homework (16 October 2009)

Dearest children,


  1. English Practice Paper 4
  2. Science Booklet A
  3. lead.com.sg assignments
  4. Sign English, Maths and Science DE 6.
  5. Revise work using the worksheets in the files.

Thank you.

All the best,
Mrs Yang

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homework (14 Oct 2009)

Dear beloved children,

Do be prepared for English Oral tomorrow.

Please complete your Maths practice paper and hand them in tomorrow.

Do file in your worksheets and use them for your revision.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Do take note:

The word is ' unintended'.

Same goes for the phrase and the sentence.


Mrs Yang

  • The picture shows many people flying kites on an open field.

  • There are many beautiful and interesting kites flying high in the sky.

  • There are two boys having a heated argument with each other.

  • They are probably arguing over who should fly the kite first.

  • I think they should learn to share and take turns to fly kite.

  • A man is holding a butterfly kite is looking at the boys who were quarrelling. I think he is curious about what they are arguing about.

  • Near the quarrelsome boys, there are a young boy and a man flying a kite.

  • I think the man is probably the young boy's father.

  • They look like they are having a fun and enjoyable time.

  • Two boys are running after a kite.

  • The boys were probably flying the kite when the string snapped and caused the kite to fly away.

  • The picture shows a hawker centre.

  • There are some food stalls in the hawker centre.

  • A vendor is passing a woman a plate of noodles.

  • I think the woman has an unhappy look on her face because the hawker is smoking while serving her the plate of noodles.

  • A vendor is serving a couple their food.

  • Two boys in school uniforms are eating.

  • I think the two boys are very inconsiderate to place their bags on the stools as this prevents other people from finding seats in the crowded hawker centre.

  • Two men are drinking beer and chatting with each other.

  • The third man sitting with them seems to be unconscious.

  • I think he has probably drunk too much beer and is now drunk.

  • The picture shows a busy road junction.

  • There are many vehicles such as motorcycles, taxis and cars on the road.
  • Some people are not using the nearby pedestrian crossing and are jaywalking across the road.
  • I think they are very reckless as jaywalking may endanger their lives.
  • A child has fallen onto the ground and looks like he is in pain.
  • I think he has probably hurt his knee.

  • A woman, probably the child's mother is helping him up.

  • A ball is rolling onto the busy road.

  • A boy is running hurriedly after the ball.

  • The boys were probably playing ball in the field nearby when they accidentally kicked the ball onto the busy road.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Take note

Dear children,

Please use a ruler when doing symmetry or tessellations problems otherwise you will penalized.

Please show all workings clearly for your problem sums. Marks are being awarded.

Also when drawing light rays, please do use the ruler! Light travels in a straight line!

Thank you.

All the best,
Mrs Yang

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Topics for Science SA2

Dear belovedc children,

Topics for Science SA2:

  1. Cycles (Matter and the 3 states of matter)
  2. Diversity (Plants and Animals)
  3. Plant parts and functions
  4. Digestive systems
  5. Light
  6. Heat
  7. Magnets (Magnet's powers, making magnets and magnets everywhere)

Do start revising for your SA2.

Thank you.

All the best,

Mrs Yang

Friday, October 9, 2009

Maths question

Find the area of the figure below. The steps have equal depths and heights.

Basically to find the area of such figure, we need to "break " the figure up into rectangles or squares so that we can find the area of rectangles or squares.

Formula for area of rectangle : length x breadth

Since the depth of the steps are equal ==> 90 divide by 3 = 30

Area of A= 105 x 30 = 3150

Since the height of the steps are equal ==> 105 divide by 3 = 35

Height of Rectangle B = 105-35 = 70

Area of B = 70 x 30 = 2100

Area of C = 35 x 30 = 1050

Area of figure = Area of A + Area of B + Area of C
= 3150 + 2100 + 1050
= 6300

Ans: 6300 cm2

Science DE (12 Oct 2009)

Dear beloved children,

We will have Science DE on Monday, 12 October 2009. The topics to be tested are: heat, light, matter, diversity, magents ..... basically a test on all P3 and P4 topics. Therefore do revise your work.

Also, I have returned you one set of Science Revision paper on assorted topics yesterday. Do file it up and use it for your revision.

Oral examinations is on this coming week. Do read with intonation and pronounce the words clearly. Make sure you read all the 's' clearly.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

23 days

Hi children,

23 more days to your start of SA2 examinations.

Do put in effort and seriously get down to your revision.

You will see the results for all the hard work that you have put in.

Best of luck,
Mrs Yang


Dear children,

Do note that next Tuesday - Friday will be your Oral. Do prepare yourself for it.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Chinese SA2 Paper 1

Dear beloved kids,

Please remember to bring along your dictionary or e-dictionary to school tomorrow.

Travel declaration too!

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Picture Oral Conversation

This picture shows a crowded MRT train.

A man is pushing his way into the train.

Some passengers who are alighting from the train look irritated and annoyed with the rude man.

I think it is wrong of the man to do that. He should show consideration and give way to alighting passengers.

Some school boys are running down the aisle of the train.

It is dangerous of them to do that because they may knock into the passengers or fall and hurt themselves.

A man is seen talking loudly on his mobile phone.

It is inconsiderate of him to do that as he may disturb other passengers

Two school boys are drinking in the train.

They should not do that because eating and drinking in the train is prohibited.

They may be fined if they are found out by the train officers.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear children,

Please go home and revise on symmetry and if possible, do read up on tessellation.


Mrs Yang

Class Photo-taking Session

Dear children,

Our photo-taking session will be at 8.45am on Friday, 2nd October 2009.

Do make sure that you are neatly dressed in your school uniform and your hair is neatly combed.

Do bring along your school uniform to change into after your PE lessons.

Thank you. :)

Mrs Yang

Composition files

Dear children,

Please use your composition file to revise for your upcoming composition exam.

Do take note of those words that you have spelt wrongly. Refrain from making the same mistakes.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Friday, September 25, 2009

Lead.com Assignments

Hi children,

I have just assigned 3 Maths and 2 Science assignments for you. Do log in to lead.com.sg and complete the assignments!

Thank you.

Lots of love,
Mrs Yang


Beloved children,

Remember to visit these websites if you have not done so. Use them for your revision.

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/magnets_springs.shtml
  2. http://www.rainforestmaths.com/
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/tests/gases.shtml
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/tests/solids_liquids.shtml
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/physical_processes/light_shadows/play.shtml
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/physical_processes/light_dark/play.shtml

Do have fun.

Do log in to lead.com and try the activities on Symmetry.

All the best,

Mrs Yang :)

Homework (25 Sept 2009)

Dear children,

  1. English Practice Paper 1
  2. Monday - Listening Comprehension SA2
  3. Obtain parent's signature forMaths Mini Quiz
  4. (Remedial pupils - English & Maths worksheets)

Do bring along a 2B pencil and an eraser for your Listening Comprehension exam.

All the best,

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homework (23 September )

Dear beloved kids,


- Maths Review 6 (Hand in tomorrow)

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Dearest pupils,

For those of you who have lockers, please do clear everything out from your lockers.

I will pass you the keys on Tuesday for you to do so.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dearest pupils,

Please remember to bring thermometer and travel declaration form on Tuesday, 22nd September.

Homework: Complete Term 4 Week 1 WIDE worksheets.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Important dates

Dearest beloved children,

Do take note of the important dates:

28 Sept : EL Listening Comprehension
29 Sept : MT Listening Comprehension
7 Oct : EL Composition
8 Oct : MT Composition
13 - 16 Oct : EL & MT Oral
2 Nov : EL paper 2
3 Nov : Maths
4 Nov : MT
5 Nov : Science

Thank you.

All the best,
Mrs Yang

Thursday 17 September 2009

Dear children,

Remember to bring the following:

  1. science worksheet
  2. whiteboard
  3. marker
  4. notebook
  5. story book

Thank you.


Mrs Yang

Monday, September 14, 2009

PSLE Listening Comprehension

Hi children,

Do take note that there will be no school this Friday , 18 September 2009 as it is PSLE Listening Comprehension.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Friday, September 11, 2009

Temperature taking exercise

Dear beloved children,

Please bring along your thermometer to school on Monday, 14 September 2009. There will be a temperature taking exercise.

Do stay at home if you are not feeling well.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Put on your thinking caps!

1. A wire is used to form a rectangle,12cm long and 4cm wide. The same length of wire is used to form a square.
a)Find the length of the wire used.
b)Find the area of the square formed by the wire.


Perimeter of the rectangle = 12 + 4 + 12 + 4 = 32

a) Ans: 32 cm

32 divide 4 = 8

Each side of the square is 8cm.

Are of the square = 8 X 8 = 64

b) Ans: 64 centimetres square

2. A plane departed Singapore at 21 50 on Friday. It landed in Country P at 02 10.
(a) On which day did it reach Country P?
(b) How long was the flight?


(a) Saturday

b) ans: 4 h 20 min

Monday, September 7, 2009

Try these!

1. ABCD and X are squares. Find the unshaded area of ABCD.

Length BC = 6 + 4 = 10
Area of ABCD = 10 x 10 = 100
Area of X= 6 x 6= 36
Area of unshaded area = 100 - 36 = 64

Ans: 64cm2

2. Find the area of the figure below.

3. Mat played a computer game for 2h 50 min. Then he took a 30 minutes rest before playing for another 45 minutes. The clock on the wall showed 1620. At what time did he start playing his computer game?

4. Sally jogged for 3h 40 min. Bobby jogged for 2h 50 min. Bobby stopped jogging at the same time as Sally. If he stopped jogging at 14 50, (a) at what time did he start jogging? (b) at what time did Sally start jogging?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

No e-learning assignments?

Dear children,

Do leave me a message if you did not have any e-learning assignments in lead.com


Mrs Yang

Students, bus driver and off—duty police officers nab snatch thief

Dearest children,

Do take a look at this article on snatch thief.


Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September holidays remedial

For the 6 pupils who are down for my remedial,

Do meet me outside General Office near the free access computers at 9am on Monday, 7/9/09.

If you are late, we will be in class #03-10.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September Holidays Homework

Beloved pupils,

September Holidays Homework (4/9/09 – 13/9/09)

1. Hand in on Monday14/9/09Science worksheet – Interactions MCQ
2. Maths CA2 (Please show all workings clearly.)
3. E-learning assignments (2 assignments per subject)
4. Access 1)

5. Revise your work (Term 1-3) using your files. Keep the files at home.

Thank you,

Mrs Yang

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Things to bring tomorrow (3 September 09)

Dearest beloved pupils,

Do bring:

  1. Ez link card (books borrowing)

  2. English, Maths & Science files

  3. Story book

  4. Pencil case

  5. Notebook

  6. a bag of newspapers (recycling)

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


My dearest pupils,

Do bring along your English, Maths and Science files tomorrow. I will be returning you your worksheets so that you can bring home and revise over the holidays.

Do get your parents to sign English, Maths and Science DEs 4 which will be in your files.

Do bring along your EZ-link card tomorrow (3 September 2009) as it will be our turn to borrow books from NLB!

Please bring a bag of newspapers for recycling everyday for this week!

Nathanael, Ikmal and Kenny: Can I have the travel declaration form tomorrow? The dateline for submission to General Office is 2 September. Please be more responsible.

Thank you.


Mrs Yang

Area & Perimeter Games

My beloved children,

Do try out the following games on area & perimeter! Have fun!

1) http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/maths/perimeter_and_area/index.html

2) http://www.mathplayground.com/area_perimeter.html

Do try out!

Mrs Yang

Teachers' Day Concert

Monday, August 31, 2009

Collection of old newspapers (Term 3 Week 10)

Dearest beloved children,

Please remember to bring some newspapers and other paper items to school for recycling and place them at the blue cage just behind the parade square.

Let all of us do our bit for the environment.

Thank you for your support in contributing to this worthy cause.

Mrs Yang

E-learning Homework

The following pupils please log in to www.lead.com.sg and complete your assignments which were assigned on 16 and 17 August 2009:

  1. Atikah

  2. Cherie Tan

  3. Felicia

  4. Jia Hao

  5. Hong Wei

  6. Nathanael

  7. Janice

Do inform me by posting a comment under this post.

I will strike out your name once you have done so.

Thank you.


Mrs Yang

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Homework (31 August 2009)

Dear children,

Please complete your Science worksheet which was given to you today. Do remember to bring them along on Wednesday.

For those who have yet to file in Weekend Challenge (7) and (8), please kindly remember to do so.

For those who did not hand in:

  1. travel declaration

  2. weekend challenge (9)

  3. Science worksheet - Magnets

  4. Editing (9) and (10) (complete with parent's signature)

Please submit them to me on Wednesday.

Do pack you bags.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Hi children,

Please bring your English, Maths and Science files on Thursday.

Please do remember to bring them as I will be returning you your worksheets for you to file them in. You are to use the files and revise your work over the one week break.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Say "Cheese!" with Geronimo Stilton

Dearest children,

Do check this out.

Meet and greet Geronimo Stilton at Forum on 29 and 30 August, 1pm - 2pm.


Mrs Yang

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Suggested prompts for the above picture:

  • What are most of the people doing?
  • Why is the lady running? What do you think will happen?
  • What are the two women walking along the pavement doing?
  • Describe the three men who are walking side by side along the pavement.
  • What is the girl who is walking to school with a haversack and a file doing? Why?
  • Describe the group of students who are about to cross the road.
  • What is the lady and her dog doing?
  • Describe what you can see at the bus stop.
Suggested prompts for the above picture:

  • Describe what the students near the school bus are doing.
  • What are the group of three boys on the pavement directly outside the school doing?
  • What are the two adults who are wearing vests doing?
  • Which of the students are crossing the road the correct way? Where are they crossing the road?

  • Why are there so many cars at the side of the road? Should they do that?
  • What is the boy doing in the middle of the road?


Dearest children,

Do start revising for SA2.

Do start reading good essays, read through your Science TBs and do more practices for Maths.

Thank you.
Mrs Yang


Dearest children,

  1. Maths WB pg 89 - 96.
  2. Weekend Challenge 8



Mrs Yang

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Area & Perimeter

Dearest beloved children,
I hope you do understand the difference between area and perimeter now.
Area is looking for the area inside the shape/figure.
Perimeter is looking for the total length of all the sides of the figure.
Do seek clarification from Miss Tan or me when I am back. Alternatively, you can read up your Maths TB.
Maths is all about practising. Do more practises and you will get the hang of it soon.
Thank you.
Mrs Yang

Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs

Dear children,

Hope you do enjoy the book by Tomie depaolo
About the book: Every Sunday four-year-old Tommy's family goes to visit his grandparents. His grandmother is always busy downstairs, but his great-grandmother is always to be found in bed upstairs, because she is 94 years old. Tommy loves both of his nanas and the time he spends with them. He is desolate when his upstairs nana dies, but his mother comforts him by explaining that "she will come back in your memory whenever you think about her.
Mrs Yang

Monday, August 24, 2009

Singapore Town

Dear sweeties,


(Drum rolls....)
Here are the performers for this year's Teachers' Day Concert.

Morning Concert
1. P2 whole level dance.
2. Guitar performance by 5H.
3. Dance performance by 5G.
4. Solo singing by Md. Khairil, 5E
5. Dance to the song "S'pore Town" by 4A.
6. Dance to the song "We go together" by 4C.

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Science - Magnets

Dear beloved children,

Do visit the link below to find out about the uses of magnets.

I think you have the following words for Spelling today. Do ensure that you know how to spell these words by hard.

1) magnet
2) conduct
3) heat
4) expand
5) contract
6) repel
7) conductor
8) insulator
9) attract
10) electromagnet
11) iron
12) steel
13) stroke
14) electricity
15) thermometer
16) temperature
17) poles

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

19 August 2009

Dear children,


1. Maths Test 5

2. Maths WIDE worksheets Term 3 Week 8. Complete all!

3. Obtain parent’s signature for Editing worksheet Term 3 Week 8. Complete corrections if you have any.

4. E-learning assignments. Only able to access from Thursday.

5. No school on 20 & 21 August 2009.

All due on Monday!

Revise for upcoming DEs.
Science DE: Magnets
Maths DE: Decimals & time

Thank you.

Mrs Yang


Dear sweethearts,

Dedicated to all children, Octoburst! is an annual event which celebrates the imagination and creativity innate in children with a bounty of treats comprising ticketed and non-ticketed showcases of dance, music, theatre and visual arts. The festival invites children to spend Children’s Day at Esplanade, playing, imagining, exploring and having fun with the arts through our fun-filled programmes. A highlight of Octoburst! is its Children’s Day drawing competition which seeks to draw out each child’s creativity in an encouraging and non-pressurising environment.
There are some programmes at the Concourse for free! Do check them out! :P
Sam's sandwich
DATE 1 OCT 2009, THU - 4 OCT 2009, SUN
TIME 4.15 - 4.45pm
Samantha needs a really special treat to munch on and her devious brother, Sam, knows just what to make: a sandwich with EVERYTHING on it. While supposedly helping his sister Samantha make a delicious sandwich, mischievous Sam sneaks some rather unpleasant ingredients into it!
Peel off the lettuce, tomato and other ingredients to discover Sam's rhyming, crawling surprises! Based on the story Sam's Sandwich by David Pelham.

Dear children,

I hope you do enjoy the story, The Gruffalo's child.

Remember to keep a lookout for good books. There are many good books out there to lay your hands on!

Mrs Yang