Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they are scared?

Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they are scared?

Not true.

They don't actually. If an ostrich did that, it would suffocate.

Ostriches bury their heads in the ground though and they stick their heads in the hole from time to time to check on their eggs.

Male and female ostriches take turns to incubate their eggs.

Elephants never forget

Elephants never forget!

They have amazing memories. That is why these magnificient creatures can be trained as workers or performers.

Animal trainers have discovered that elephants have an exceptional ability to remember what they learn.

Elephants are also the only animals who remember members of their family who have died.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why do rabbits have long ears?

Why do rabbits have long ears?

Rabbits rely on their long ears to warn them of the sounds of approaching danger.


Unlike humans, rabbits are unable to sweat through their skin. Unlike dogs, rabbits do not pant either. When the weather is hot, they need to lose heat from their body so that they won't die.

Rabbits lose heat by circulating blood through a large vein in their ear. therfore the longer the ear, the longer the path the blood travels, and the more time the blood has to cool down. This is the most efficient way for rabbits to cool off.


Elephants flap their ears to cool themselves down.

Do fish have ears? Yes, they do!

Do fish have ears???

Yes, they do. They have ears inside their heads!
Although they have ears, they may not hear very well.


look under sense organs!

Have fun!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

World's Longest Lunch

Hello children,

There is a world's longest lunch in Melbourne.

It took place 12 March 2010, 12pm - 3pm .
A 400-m table was set up and 900 people attended the event.

Read more here.


If the link does not work, go to yahoo.com and google 'world's longest lunch'.

Torch bearer for YOG 2010

Dear children,

Do you want to be torch bearer for YOG 2010? But you have to be 12 years old and above.

Maybe you could get your elder brother or sister to take part in it!

Click on the link!


For those who can't apply to be a torch bearer, don't be despair.

Maybe you can post a deed. They are waiting to hit a million deed. Right now, there are only 50 542 deeds submitted.

154 days to YOG!

Mrs Yang

Friday, March 12, 2010

Earth Day on 27 March 2010 8.30pm.

Hey children,

Earth Day 2010 is here again. Its on 27 March 2010 at 8.30p.m. Do switch off your lights for an hour on this date and time!

Click on the below link to show your support!


I have already shown my support. What about you?

Hope to hear from you.

Mrs Yang

Monday, March 1, 2010

World Maths Day 2010

Dear children,

World Maths Day is here.

Do register yourself before 3 March 2010!


Have fun!

Mrs Yang