Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hi children,

How is your first week of holiday so far? Are you enjoying it? Are you going anywhere out of Singapore?

Thank you.

Mrs Yang

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny video!

Do watch this!

puppet theatre performance by Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd

Hi children,

Hope you do enjoy puppet theatre performance by Paper Monkey Theatre Ltd tomorrow!

learning points:
1)be more aware of and be sensitive to the feelings and experiences of others.
2)the importance of building friendship within our diverse community.
3)the importance of being tolerant and living harmoniously.

Synopsis of performance:In the forest, there is a tree, a beautiful tree. At the top of the tree, there lives a bird. On the branches, there lives a monkey. Then there is the rat which lives under the tree. They are neighbours but not very good ones. Early in the morning, the bird will sing at the top of the tree, disturbing the monkey and the rat. In the afternoon, the monkey throws nutshells at the rat and the bird, irritating them. At night, the rat would dance under the tree and make so much noise that the monkey and the bird become annoyed.One day, it rained so heavily that the three of them have to abandon their home to look for another. Unable to find a suitable tree when night falls, they have no choice but to sleep under the stars. The night without shelter turns out to be so eventful and fraught with trouble that they finally understand the true meaning of friendship and cooperation. The next day, they find a tree but a frog is already living on it. Without hesitation, it invites them to stay if they do not mind its croaking. They become good neighbours despite the fact that the bird still sings early in the morning, the monkey still throw nutshells at lunchtime, the rat still dances at night and the frog croaks whenever it feels like it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Class Party?

Hi all,

Is there a class party today? Did Mrs Lim remember to take the food from the table behind mine?

How about the birthday bears? Have Mrs Lim given out all?


Mrs Yang

Overseas Cultural Immersion Programme to Malacca

Hi Chaplin,

I heard you have been shortlisted for Overseas Cultural Immersion Programme to Malacca from 23-25 Nov. Do have fun!


Mrs Yang

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dear children,

How is Mrs Lim?

By the way, has Mrs Lim conducted the class party?

Btw who has the best in conduct for the class?

1st and 2nd position in class?

Do keep me informed.

Enjoy your last week in school. Build up strong friendships k. :)


Mrs Yang

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dearest children,

Can someone remind Mrs Lim to give out the birthday bears for November and December? The birthday bears are in the drawer!


Mrs Yang

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My baby girl

Hi children,
Here is a latest photo of my baby girl. She is now 17 days old. :)

Hi children,

How was the party?

Did Mrs Lim bring down the snacks from the table behind my desk?

Where did u all have the party at?

Mrs Yang

Class next year

Hi dear children,

Do you all know which class you are going to be in next year? You can share with me who are the people going to 5A, B , C etc... if you know because some of them do not visit the blog.

Do reply under post comment. Hope to hear from you.

Remember to type your name!

Mrs Yang

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wh is Annoymous?

Hi children,

May I know who post a comment telling me the marks but forgotten to type your name down?


Now finally you can enjoy yourself!

Mrs Yang

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hi children,

I heard you know your results today already!

Care to share with me? Just type it under post comment. I will not publish your marks.


Mrs Yang

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 days old

1 day old

Hi children,

Thanks for the well-wishes. I am still at the hospital, will be discharged tomorrow afternoon. I am trying to keep my eyes awake while posting this entry.

I have to catch some sleep before my baby girl needs her next feed.

Btw I had a long labour. I admitted into the hospital at 7a.m. on Saturday but didn't manage to deliver till Sunday 4+ a.m. I had to go for c-sect. The labour pains was horrendous but when I saw my girl in my hands, all pain was worth it! Really! All mums are the greatest! Remember to go up to your mum and give her a big hug!
I will not be going back to school till next year February. Keep in contact!

Mrs Yang